Adventure deck:
[1]Green Dragon Inn
[3]Concyl Courtyard
[5]Bridge of Khazad-dum
[6]Caras Galadhon
[7]The Great River
[8]Gates of Argonath
[9]Slopes of Amon Hen
Free Peoples: (35)
Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer
The one ring, Isildur's bane
Arwen, Daughter of Elrond (starting)
Legolas, Greenleaf (starting)
Aragorn, Heir to the White City 4x
Aragorn's Bow 2x
Ranger's Sword
Armor 2x
Flaming Brand 2x
No stranger to the shadow 3x
Boromir, Defender of Minas Tirith 3x
Blade of Gondor
Horn of Boromir
Galadriel, Lady of Light 2x
Elrond, Herald to Gil-Galad
Orophin, Lorien bowman
Rumil, Elven protector
The last alliance of Elves and Men 2x
Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal
Sam, Son of Hamfast
Shadow: (35)
Tower Assassin x2
Uruk Captain x2
Bred for Battle x2
Savagery to Match Their Numbers x4
Saruman’s Power
Troop of Uruk-hai x3
Saruman, Keeper of Isengard x4
Uruk Ravager x4
Orthanc Berserker
Uruk Lieutenant x4
Uruk Raider x4
Uruk Warrior 2x
Worry x2